The notepad + clipboard that hovers above everything else on your screen.

Hoverpad always remains visible as you work, letting you take notes and clip text while switching between windows and apps.


A plaintext editor and clipboard that remains above your other windows (configurable) while you work, then collapses to the side of your screen (with hotcorners, configurable) when you need it out of the way.

• Remains above your work in other windows and persists between Spaces (configurable).
• Collapses quickly to the side of your screen (supports hotcorners).
• Accessible via global hotkeys.
• Offers three slots for storing text (text only, no images) from your clipboard.
• Plaintext editor saves to and opens from .txt.

(Noel Cody is an independent developer from NYC. Say hello: [email protected])

Creative Commons Image Attribution:
Pencil designed by Edward Boatman from the